Lanište - poslovni prostor (117 m2) + 3 PARKINGA - Jaruščica ulica
najam Lokal
Zagreb, Lanište
2.000 € 15.069 kn
Ostali podaci o nekretnini
- Cijena 2.000 €
- Cijena /m2 17,09 €
- Agencijska provizija 1 MJESEČNA NAJAMNINA + PDV
- Kat prizemlje/8
- Broj soba 3
Prostorije nekretnine
- Parking
Opis nekretnine
- Blizina dućana
- Blizina škole
- Prilaz - asfaltirani
- Nenamješteno
- Miran predio
Opis nekretnine
Agencija Zagreb4U predstavlja poslovni prostor (117 m2) u prizemlju stambene zgrade, Jaruščica.
LOKACIJA: Lanište je naselje u jugozapadnom dijelu Zagreba, smješteno u blizini rijeke Save, na području Novog Zagreba. Kvart je relativno nov i brzo se razvija, posebno od 2000-ih godina. Glavna značajka Laništa je Arena Zagreb, velika sportska i koncertna dvorana, koja je sagrađena 2008. godine i postala jedan od prepoznatljivih simbola Zagreba. Lanište je popularno među mladim obiteljima i srednjom klasom zbog novih stambenih zgrada, trgovačkih centara i blizine grada. Razvoj naselja i infrastrukture u Laništu je u tijeku, pa se kvart širi i urbanizira.
Ulica Jaruščica nalazi se u novijem dijelu Novog Zagreba, točnije u naselju Lanište. Ova ulica prolazi paralelno s glavnim prometnicama u tom području, kao što su Avenija Dubrovnik i Jadranska avenija. Okružena je modernim stambenim zgradama i poslovnim prostorima. Sve je popularnije mjesto za život zbog svoje relativne blizine centru grada, ali i zbog mirnog okruženja.
U blizini se nalaze svi sadržaji potrebni za svakodnevni život: Arena Centar, kafići, pizzeria, crkva, frizerski salon, kozmetički salon, pošta, dječji park, igralište.
Dobra je prometna povezanost s javnim gradskim prijevozom. Autobusna stanica je udaljena nekoliko metara i ovdje voze linije: 112 (Savski most - Lučko) i 222 (Remetinec - Žitnjak).
OPIS PROSTORA: prostor je u roh-bau. Može se napraviti onoliko soba prema potrebama. Ima odvod i može se napraviti WC.
INSTALACIJE: u prostoru se nalaze sve instalacije: voda, plin i struja.
NAMJENA: prema uporabnoj dozvoli prostor je općenite namjene.
PARKING: uz prostor dolaze 3 otvorena parkirna mjesta.
REŽIJE: nisu uključene u cijenu najma i plaćaju se dodatno.
* Ugovor na rok od minimalno godinu dana
* Plaćanje: 1 mjesec unaprijed
* Sigurnosni polog: 3 MJESEČNE NAJAMNINE
The Zagreb4U agency presents a business premises (117 m2) on the ground floor of a residential building, Jaruscica Street.
LOCATION: Laniste is a settlement in the southwestern part of Zagreb, located near the Sava River, in the area of New Zagreb. The neighborhood is relatively new and developing rapidly, especially since the 2000s. The main feature of Laniste is Arena Zagreb, a large sports and concert hall, which was built in 2008 and has become one of the recognizable symbols of Zagreb. Laniste is popular among young families and the middle class due to the new residential buildings, shopping centers and proximity to the city. The development of the settlement and infrastructure in Laniste is ongoing, so the neighborhood is expanding and urbanizing.
Jaruscica Street is located in the newer part of Novi Zagreb, more precisely in the Laniste neighborhood. This street runs parallel to the main thoroughfares in the area, such as Avenija Dubrovnik and Jadranska avenija. It is surrounded by modern residential buildings and business premises. It is an increasingly popular street to live because of its relative proximity to the city center, but also because of its peaceful surroundings.
Nearby there are all the facilities necessary for everyday life: Arena Center, cafes, pizzeria, church, hair salon, beauty salon, post office, children's park, playground.
There is a good traffic connection with public city transport. The bus station is a few meters away and the following lines run here: 112 (Savski most - Lucko) and 222 (Remetinec - Zitnjak).
DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS PREMISES: the business premises is rohbau. You can make as many rooms as you need. It has a drain and a toilet can be built.
INSTALLATIONS: in the business premises there are all installations: water, gas and electricity.
PURPOSE: according to the usage permit, the space is for general purpose.
PARKING: the business premises comes with 3 open parking spaces.
UTILITIES: are not included in the rental price and are paid additionally.
* Contract for a minimum of one year
* Payment: 1 month in advance
* Security deposit: 3 MONTHLY RENTS
Kontaktirajte nas
Hrvoja Macanovića 45
10000, Zagreb - +385 1 38 37 974
- Agent
- Tajana Flegar
- +385 1 38 37 974